Micro fisheye VII – Nearer, wider, faster


I’ve built several working prototypes of relay systems capable of going very close to the subject and provide near point of view with corresponding magnification and resolution. I couldn’t find anything similar done or published before.

The article describing them is currently in state of Draft and I decided not to publish it due to other more urgent jobs and complete lack of interest on the solution by other fellow humans.

Contact me if you wish to support the development of macro fisheye. You may continue reading the other pages I’ve already shared freely and try to figure out yourself how to go nearer, maybe still with some working distance. Below the teaser:

I’ve described how to use a telescope eyepiece as wide angle macro; the first scheme (blue) is a modern, flat field, wide angle, long eye relief telescope eyepiece. The scheme below is another, different lens system (flat field, ****, ****), quite common and that can be used for the same weird purpose (they’re pretty similar as you see) and maybe do the job even better.

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